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Richard Mayer’s Thirteenth Principle

The Embodiment Principle

Learn about Richard Mayer’s thirteenth multimedia principle, the Embodiment Principle, in this poster created by Georgette El-Darazi! The Embodiment Principle says: “People learn more deeply when on-screen agents display humanlike gesturing, movement, eye contact, and facial expressions.”

Example: Including a human asset with natural features to better appeal to participants.

Mayer’s research found that in 11 out of 11 experimental comparisons, people performed better on transfer tests when they learned from a high-embodied agent than from a low-embodied agent.

Feel free to download and share this poster with your networks. presents Mayer's thirteenth multimedia principle, the embodiment principle which states "people learn more deeply when on-screen agents display humanlike gesturing, movement, eye contact, and facial expressions. Ex: including a human asset with natural features to better appeal to participants. presents Mayer’s thirteenth multimedia principle, the embodiment principle that states “people learn more deeply when on-screen agents display humanlike gesturing, movement, eye contact, and facial expressions. Ex: including a human asset with natural features to better appeal to participants.

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