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Using Gagne’s 9 events of instruction to enhance student performance and course evaluations in Undergraduate Nursing Course


This article explores the use of Gagne’s 9 events of instruction as an attempt to increase learner engagement and attendance for large classes of nursing students. This study looks at student evaluations of their teachers and final grades over a 3-semester period. The article listed specific actions for applying each of Gagne’s nine events of instruction to a three-hour in-person course. While the results of the study did not show a marked improvement in overall final grades, the study did show a very significant improvement in how students perceived their instructors as evidenced by Student Evaluation of Instruction (SEI) scores


Teaching large numbers of students can be a challenge for both teachers and students. Implementing new teaching strategies may be 1 way to address the problem. This article presents the impact of using Gagne’s 9 events of instruction on student learning and course evaluations over a 3-semester period. Student evaluations indicated enhanced teacher mastery, effectiveness, and enthusiasm. Overall student final grades increased.


Miner, A., Mallow, J., Theeke, L., &, Barnes, E. (2015). Using Gagne’s 9 events of instruction to enhance student performance and course evaluations in Undergraduate Nursing Course. Nurse Educator, 40(3), 152–154.

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